SHIDO LTX7A-BS Lithium Motorradbatterie 2,4Ah 12V YTX7A-BS

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Lithium-Ion battery LTX7A-BS This Shido battery is a private label, manufactured by one of the largest battery suppliers in Japan. Shido batteries are produced according to very strict quality standards. If you are looking for a problem-free battery, you have found it! The Shido Lithium batteries may be smaller than the original one in your bike. If this is the case, the Shido comes with snap-on spacer blocks. These spacer blocks change the dimensions of your battery to make it fit your bike, despite its smaller size. Shido Lithium batteries contain four 3.2 volt lifePO4 (Lithium Iron Phosphate) cells connected in series. Together this delivers 12.8 volts, perfect for use as a starter battery for motorcycles. The electronic battery management system (BMS) distributes the charge evenly among the four cells. Thanks to a built-in small resistor, this lithium battery can generate a very high starting power. Powerful and fast, in other words. The battery status can be checked at any time by means of a push button. 3 leds = Voltage > 13,15V: battery fully charged and ready for use 2 leds = Voltage > 13V: battery can start the engine but charging is advised 1 led = Voltage < 12,8V: battery needs to be charged Lithium batteries offer a superior starting capacity and are up to 30% lighter than traditional batteries. A longer life (no sulfation) and lower self-discharge are also undeniable advantages. Attention: lithium batteries are more sensitive to freezing temperatures. In this case, it is advisable to turn on the lights for 10 to 15 seconds to warm up the battery before starting the motorcycle. Starting batteries are not universal. This battery is only suitable for these bikes. Our product finder is nearly perfect. Before you prepare the battery for use, make sure it matches the battery you are replacing. Also make sure it will fit in the vehicle. A lithium battery - unlike traditional batteries - can be mounted in any position. Even upside down. Replacing a battery yourself is not difficult at all. The trick is to avoid short circuits. When disassembling the battery, first disconnect the - terminal, then the + terminal. When assembling the battery, first connect the + terminal, then the - terminal. Preparing the battery for use is relatively easy. Carefully follow the manual that comes with the battery. You can also find it here on this page. Check the battery voltage by means of the button on the battery. If 3 LEDs light up, your battery is ready for use. If only 1 or 2 LEDs are illuminated, the battery must be charged using a special lithium charger! Riding during the winter months is not everyone's cup of tea. In that case a - indeed, specific - trickle charger is essential. Recharging is very fast. Attention! Lithium batteries cannot withstand a charge current above 14.4V. Especially old engines sometimes deliver such voltages at high revs, with all its consequences. And no, the results won't make you happy. With older motorcycles, it is wise to test the charging current of your motorcycle with a Testmate. Extra attention should be paid to an always-on-circuit accessory (an alarm for instance): a lithium battery quickly loses its charge when the bike is stored for a long time while devices still use the battery, even up to four times faster than you are used to with an lead-acid battery. In that case a - yes, specific - trickle charger can do an excellent job.


Hersteller SHIDO
EAN 5414837136309

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