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GMM-Fb. 106: AmE 2023

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Today's automotive industry - still facing great challenges:Intelligent systems have become an essential part of our daily lives. The level of automation in vehicles is constantly increasing. However, the automotive industry is facing great challenges: The mobility of the future requires new concepts, such as mobility as a service, complex security & safety solutions as well as sophisticated hardware and software architectures.One of our objectives: Bringing together industry and academiaThe AmE focuses on these topics and gives the opportunity for getting in contact with OEMs and 1st and 2nd Tiers from the automotive industry. Bringing together industry and academia, there is plenty of room for discussing technical issues and exchanging ideas. It is an excellent platform for presenting latest research work as well as technical implementations from industry.


Hersteller Vde Verlag
EAN 9783800761135

1 Angebot

0 Bewertungen

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