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ITG-Fb. 286: WSA 2019

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The 23rd International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA 2019) provides a forum for presenting the most recent research on smart antennas and related theoretical and technical aspects in modern wireless communication systems. The objective is to continue, accelerate, and broaden the momentum already gained through a series of ITG workshops which started in 1996.It is our great privilege to organize the 23rd edition of WSA at the Institute of Telecommunications of Technische Universität (TU) Wien. We are happy to invite all researchers active in this technical field to submit their papers, attend the workshop, and present state-of-the-art research result in Austria's culturally vibrant and famous capital city Vienna. The proceedings of WSA 2019 will be posted on IEEE Xplore.


Hersteller Vde Verlag
EAN 9783800749393

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