225/40R18*V TS 870 P 92V FR XL

262,99 €

-48 %
inklusive Mehrwertsteuer
zzgl. 6,00 € Lieferkosten


3 bis 5 Werktage

12 weitere Angebote
Produktinformationen des Anbieters

Der CONTI WINTERCONTACT TS 870 ist ein Winterreifen für Pkw und SUVs. Er bietet aufgrund seines fortschrittlichen Profils und seiner Mischung hervorragenden Grip und Traktion auf Schnee, Eis, Matsch und nassen Straßen. Der Reifen verfügt über ein laufrichtungsgebundenes Profildesign mit hochdichten Lamellen, die die Brems- und Beschleunigungsleistung verbessern, während die 3D-Beißkanten für mehr Grip auf Schnee und Eis sorgen. Die Reifenkonstruktion ist so optimiert, dass sie Aquaplaning widersteht und eine bessere Stabilität auf nasser Fahrbahn bietet. Darüber hinaus bietet der CONTI WINTERCONTACT TS 870 durch seine geräuschreduzierende Technologie eine leise und komfortable Fahrt.

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Hersteller Continental
Herstellernummer 0355672000
EAN 4019238054354

13 Angebote


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YUASA AGM YTX5L 4Ah Motorradbatterie YTX5L-BS geschlossen
Sealed battery maintenance free YTX5L Yuasa produces high quality replacement batteries since 1979. Sound, well-built, higher starting capacity and longer life are the overall characteristics. During production, the battery is filled with battery acid. That makes this battery really maintenance free. Thanks to the applied AGM (Absorbed Glass Mat) technology, your battery has a significantly longer life span because water loss is virtually impossible. The standard features of each Yuasa are always the same: a polypropylene cover to avoid any user damage, a complete and reliable seal against leaks and a long life. Starting batteries are not universal. This battery is only suitable for these bikes. Our product finder is nearly perfect. Before you prepare the battery for use, make sure it matches the battery you are replacing. Also make sure that it will fit in the vehicle. This battery may be mounted horizontally. Replacing a battery yourself is not difficult at all. The trick is to avoid short circuits. When disassembling the battery, first disconnect the - terminal, then the + terminal. When assembling the battery, first connect the + terminal, then the - terminal. Preparing the battery for use is relatively easy. Carefully follow the manual that comes with the battery. You can also find it here on this page. Remember that ANY battery should be charged with a battery charger before first use. Riding during the winter months is not for everyone. In that case a trickle charger is essential. Lubricate the battery terminals with petroleum jelly to prevent corrosion. RAD offers a 1-year warranty on any manufacturing defects of the battery. Faulty activation and/or poor maintenance are not included in the warranty. Please read our warranty conditions carefully. CCA value: because of battery voltage, ambient temperature and type of measuring device, up to 30% different values may be measured.
Produktdetails verkauft von: RAD 107,15

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